

Breakthrough Ideas Blog

Stay Interviews


How many of you have exit interviews? When someone leaves your organization? Probably a lot of you, and it's not a bad idea.

It's a good idea, you typically get some good information from folks who've decided to leave the organization, if they are honest with you, which probably happens a lower percentage of the time than you'd like.

But here's my advice on this video.

Don't wait for an exit interview to find out why one of your A-players, why one of your superstars, has left the organization.

A-players typically have the most opportunities, they have recruiters calling them all the time, they've got more offers.

Don't wait for an exit interview to find out that they left because they've got greater opportunity somewhere else. They left because you have them doing this type of work, and they'd rather do this type of work. They left before they got past because they got passed over for a promotion, or they're not making enough money. Don't wait for an exit interview, have a stay interview. Now, don't call it a stay interview.

But what I actually like to call it is a RAP session;

Recognition, Appreciation and Planning.

Where you've got superstars on your team right now where you've got A-players have a discussion with them, now. That does those three things.

  1. Recognize them. Let them know, you don't have to say we did an assessment, and you came up as an A-player, but let them know what a great job they're doing. Let them know where within their responsibilities they're excelling, and do a great job, recognize how they're great, where they're great when they're great.

  2. Appreciate. Let them know how much you appreciate the work they're doing, the extra work they're putting in the mentoring they're doing for other people, their ability to blow away any goals you have for them their ability to think outside the box. Appreciate them. So our recognize and appreciate and here's the most important part is the P which is planning.

  3. Plan. Talk to them, plan with them around where they want to go in their job in their career. Are they looking for more exposure to different types of work? Are they looking for more opportunities to get out there and drive strategy? Are they looking for more responsibility, broader responsibility? Are they looking to change what they do to something they're more interested in? Do a level of planning with them, find out what it's going to take to make sure they never want to leave your organization because they're getting the opportunity that they want.

So who are your superstars? Who are your A-players right now? Schedule a RAP session with them right now. Don't wait for an exit interview. Have that stay interview. Now, write those names down. Who are those folks that over the next week or two you're going to have a RAP session with.

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