

Breakthrough Ideas Blog

Change Your Focus, Change Your Life

If you want a great company, you first need a great leadership team - what I would call a breakthrough leadership team. The most important person, the first person on that team you need to work on, is you. The absolute biggest driver of your own success, your own fulfillment, is your focus. What you focus on drives everything in your life. I know that sounds almost too simple, but it's true.

I want to share with you two critical strategies related to your focus:

  1. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. If you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, I can guarantee you I know what you're focused on - you're focused on what you don't want. The guaranteed cure for that overwhelm, and a source of consistent motivation, is to focus on what you want. Sounds simple and it is. If you focus on what you don't want, flip that switch and focus on what you do want. What's that better vision of the future, or better vision of the day?

  2. Focus on what you can control. A great way to think about it is as something that's called the Locus of Control. You could have an external Locus of Control or an internal Locus of Control. An external Locus of Control says the problem is out there. If you have an external Locus of Control, you say something like, "Why do my people keep coming back to me with the same questions over and over again?" They're to blame. An internal Locus of Control says I own it - I'm responsible. With an internal Locus of Control, instead of saying "Why does my team keep asking me the same question over and over again?" an internal Locus of Control I might say, "How can I better communicate with my team, so they understand it the first time?" If you have an external Locus of Control, again, flip that switch. How could you turn that external blame into something internal that makes you responsible?

In summary, I’ve shared two strategies: focus on what you want, and focus on what you can control. I promise you if you change your focus, you will change your life.

Where is your focus today?


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