

Breakthrough Ideas Blog

Is Neutrality Dead?

In the past, we've all been taught as business leaders to completely stay away from political issues and social issues. We might lose a client or prospect. We might offend an employee by saying the wrong thing. Well I think times are changing.

If you look at how polarized our country has become, we can't even have meaty conversations with each other. I think it's about time as leaders, as business leaders, that we start to lead and stand up for what's right.

I read a study the other day that said 33% of us don't trust our political institutions. Some of us watch CNN, some of us watch Fox News. We're not all getting the same information. Well I think neutrality is dead, and it's time we stand up for what we believe in, we do what's right, we stand up for a cause.

I'd love to know what you think. And by the way: black lives really do matter, climate change is real, and wear a damn mask.

Peter DongComment