

Breakthrough Ideas Blog

From Adversity to Advantage with John Register

In this episode of the Better Leadership Team Show, John Register shares his incredible journey of transformation after a track and field injury led to the amputation of his leg. 

He discusses how he learned to "amputate his fear" of disability, turning a potential setback into a powerful opportunity for growth. John's inspiring insights offer practical strategies for overcoming adversity, making this episode a must-listen for anyone facing their own transitions. Tune in to hear how he empowers leaders and organizations to embrace adversity and thrive.

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Mike GoldmanComment
The New and Improved Human Resources Function

HR departments need to go beyond tactical roles and adopt a more strategic approach to developing and supporting the company’s talent.

In this episode of The Better Leadership Team Show, I discuss how HR should incorporate talent development, update team structures, enhance the employee experience, streamline onboarding processes, improve communication, and clarify accountability for these critical functions…

In addition to changing the name ‘human resources,’ as well!

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Mike GoldmanComment
How to Be a Master Convincer with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey

All too often, leaders fall into the trap of simply issuing orders, only to be met with resistance or half-hearted efforts. The real key to success lies in mastering the art of persuasion, ensuring that every team member is fully engaged and motivated to contribute to the company's vision.

On this episode of the Better Leadership Team Show, I spoke with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey, co-founders of the Convincing Company, to talk about the importance of leadership teams to ditch dictating orders and adopt the skill of convincing instead.

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Mike GoldmanComment
How to Facilitate an Annual Planning Retreat

One of the most important things a leadership team needs to get right is their rhythm of meetings together, including daily, weekly, ad hoc and quarterly planning meetings.

In this episode of the Better Leadership Team Show, I focus on the importance of and how to strategically plan for an effective and productive annual planning retreat…

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Mike GoldmanComment
Transform Your Business with Open Book Management With Rich Armstrong

There is a common misconception amongst CEOs that open book management is simply all about financial transparency. 

In this episode of the Better Leadership Team Show, I sat down with Rich Armstrong, a consultant, author and expert in open book management to talk about the other components of this strategy, which involves educating, empowering and engaging company employees to show them how their production influences the company’s finances.

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Mike GoldmanComment
How to Reduce Workplace Drama with Robyn Hatcher

Every company and organization is filled with people who carry their own styles and approaches to getting the job done. And, they believe their way is the RIGHT way to do it.

If not addressed, that leads to friction, conflict, finger-pointing and judgment, which negatively affects culture, overall morale, and ultimately, the growth and evolution of the company.

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Mike GoldmanComment
11 Actions for High Performers

Is your company constantly losing its high-performers to the competition? 

Are you spending too much time helping your low performers and no time challenging your high-performers to do more and be more?  

In this week’s episode of the Breakthrough Leadership Team show, I share 11 actions that you can take to keep your high-performers motivated, happy - and NOT talking to recruiters. 

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Mike GoldmanComment
Creating a Destination Workplace with Betsy-Allen Manning

What is the number one characteristic every leader needs to have? Speaker and author Betsy Allen-Manning, my guest on the Better Leadership Show this week, votes for integrity. For walking the walk. And she should know, because she’s the go-to person for helping leaders create a destination workplace. Listen to the episode to learn more.

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Mike GoldmanComment
Selling Your Business with Sunny Vanderbeck

Most CEOs don’t start a company to make money—the money is just a side effect. They start because they can’t help it. They see something in the world that needs to be different and they want to change it. How does that impact selling a company? Listen to bestselling author Sunny Vanderbeck talk about this on the Better Leadership Show.

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Mike GoldmanComment
Giving and Receiving Powerful Feedback with Treena Huang

We can’t see ourselves. We have blind spots. We have things we’re not aware of. Which is why how we’re doing is influenced by the quality of feedback conversations. When we can’t have those candid, open conversations, trouble ensues in a team. My guest on the Better Leadership Show, leadership coach Treena Huang, talks about the art and impact of powerful feedback.

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Mike GoldmanComment